Thursday, September 20, 2007

Its Alive!!!

By the looks of the title, you may feel that this experiment will be......................................wacky.For those of you that didn't,be prepared to have set out the scoreboard and mark me a point for sciencekid.If you did,feel free to mark yourself o point.Ah!Let's cut to the chase. #7:Alive Hair.This one's pretty simple.All you need is a large block-o-styrafoam.If you are bald,I'm afraid this experiment isn't for you.Alright,now just rub the styrafoam on your hair;like crazy.STOP-now lift the styrafoam so that your hair follows it.I don't have any styrafoam,but when I do, I'll give you a picture...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Carbon Dioxide Treatment

If you think the hose is annoying,fizz isn't in your vocabulary.This experiment is always in your pepsi drink.So if you want,do it the easy way by shaking pepsi and opening the cap.NOTE:be prepared for the eruption...Now,all ya gotta do is fill a cup of warm water wth 2 handfuls of baking soda,add a few drops of vinegar,and KA-BOOM!!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Indoor Jungle

Hi. sorry I haven't posted for a while.I had a HUGE vacation.Oh,and if your miguel,I've answered your question.If your not miguel,just prepare yourself for what I've got here. 4#:Your ownForest.For this one,all you need is a raw potato ,4 toothpicks and a cup of water.Now,first you stick the four toothpicks on each side of the potato.Place it inthe water.And to your surprise,that's all you have to do!Let the potato it there for a while.When you see plants growing out,remind me I have 6pionts. Picture coming soon!!!